Alexis's 1st Birthday!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Alexis 1st 6 in 1 jab

The date today is 16/12/09, its a wednesday, Today is the day where Alexis's courage is being tested. Like millions of babies before her, she is due for her national service..oops..sorry, what i meant to say was, she is due for her 1st jab (whatever u call it)...did she cry? well..not really..only when the needle was poked into her skin, she screamed abit, guess the needle was abit too cold for her..BUT did lilian cry? hehe..what do u think leh? Did Charles la..but i nearly choked..

"Just bring it" Shouted Alexis

A check on her diapers for xxxx

A kiss from grandmum (to make alexis feel more relax - it helps) before entering the doctor room..

Public (babies) enemy number 1..Babies hate him..Most daddies hate him too (for charging so much..hehe)

"Let Charles take the jab for Alexis..come on,doc, Alexis is just a kid..give chance la" ordered lilian.."Am just doing my job, u want to see my manager? do u want to complain?"asked Dr Ong (chk out his face)


Thank buddha for grandmum.

This is what happened for the next 5-8 mins..

Charles starting to choke

Lilian trying hard not to cry as loud as Alexis

The floor was full of lilian's tears..Charles stop choking already.

Grandmum still going on strong...

After all that screaming & crying..Wat's next?

1 comment:

  1. Wau i never thot of taking photos for Anya's first jab./. Ha ha. u lousy leh.. U should be holding her instead of her grandma!!!! Scary Cat Charles..
