Today marks a special day...other than me & my family are still alive & kicking (we hv yet to strike Toto), baby alexis started a new diet = means me & lian have to spend more $.
She tasted her 1st rice based milk cereal called frisocrem.
Read this somewhere from the net, wanted to share with u guys.
"hmm my PD encourage that if the baby is already on formula then can start early on cereal, but if he is on total breast milk then better wait till later.. don't start too early la.. cos once you start.. they will not want milk anymore.. we have hard time feeding Ceph with milk nowadays.. most times sleep feed... "
Sounds like us..
Baby alexis personal Spoon + Bowl
"Kiddy meal"
Set meal for babies..
Looks + smell delicious...wonder how it taste..
It is always so amazing to see babies trying something new. .
"Why cereal,pa?" asked Baby.
"Because u take yr own sweet time to finish yr milk..." answered Charles papa..
Baby alexis personal helper.
It takes 2 to feed our little princess, what good life she has..
"Where's my wine,pa?" asked Baby , "U ! the one feeding me, sing me a song as u feed me !"
The very 1st taste of cereal for baby alexis...PRICELESS..
Er, u can let go of the spoon already...
"Can u please let me have my meal in peace..silly paparazzi, well i guess thats the price of being famous.." said baby
"Where is the restaurant manager !! i want to complain !! This paparazzi keep taking my pics.." ah gu gu the baby
Baby alexis looking comfortable & messy @ the same time..
Thank god for mama & grandmum..