Alexis's 1st Birthday!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Alexis doing her routine warm up before hitting the range.

One & Two & Three & Four & Five...

After all that exercise, my tummy very hungry !! I need food now !!

Having children warm up before beginning more strenuous exercise teaches them good physical education habits and reduces the chance of anyone in the group suffering a pulled muscle, strain or sprain. According to Consumer Affairs, warming up also will prime their hearts and joints for harder exercise. Encourage children to warm up with fun games that everyone will want to participate in.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Alexis behaving herself in the supermarket

Wonder if PaPa will buy me lots of Yakult or Yogurt
if i remain seated like this for the next 5 minutes?

Papa: Nope...but you can try harder next time...