Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
"where is mama?"

Moody Alexis (26/01) when mama not around
Going Back to Work...As a New Mom
(Read this article from the net, found it quite meaningful)
Back at work, already? If you are like most new mothers, you may experience conflicting feelings about returning to work. It may be difficult to leave your new little one, but you might secretly look forward to uninterrupted lunches and bathroom breaks.
You may also find that you don’t care as much about the work you do, whereas you were deeply committed before you had your baby. This is common in the beginning, but over time your interest will most likely return.
You might worry that your baby will miss you while you are at work or not remember you when you return home after a long day. Rest assured, for the first 6 months, babies don’t know that people or objects exist outside their line of sight. So chances are your baby won’t be distressed when you are somewhere else. However, you can feel secure that your baby knows exactly who you are – she recognized your voice at birth and studied your face for hours on end and she will show her excitement when you come through the door at the end of the day.
Be prepared that your boss and co-workers (Some..not all) will probably not be thinking about your baby all day long like you are. They may not ask about your little bundle and might even forget that you are going through a life-changing experience. They will not realize that you’re a different person and will probably expect the same level of work from you as they did before your “vacation.”
Some women forget themselves that they are changed and expect the 200% effort at work that they gave before the baby. Chances are they are still operating at 100% – which is invariably good enough for most bosses and clients.
My advice is to ask yourself if anyone (besides you) is complaining about your work. If not, try letting it go and save the other 100% for your family.
To all working mothers..I, Ic number S89xxxxxx, Charles Eng salute u !
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Millions of thing to update by Lilian
Hi all,
Finally I found some time to update our blog, most of the time is updated by Charles. I have many things to update. Being a mother is really very very busy. Right Yi? This will be going to be a very long blog.
Maid Issue - Busy training maids again & again till I am so tired.
1st maid - 2 months (Good at housework but don't know how to take care of Baby. When I interview her, she mention that she knows how to take care of Baby but when Alexis is born, she panick when taking care of her)
2nd Maid - 3 weeks (keep asking me if she can call home, she called home almost twice a week. In the end she miss home & wanted to go back to philipines so i send her back to agent. After 2 weeks, her dad had no money to pay for her loan & she had to find another employer. She wanted to work for me again but I am not willing to take her anymore. Who knows later when I start work and she say she wanna go back to her country again. Then my head will be even bigger that time.
3rd maid - 1 week ( Worst!!! Alexis is playing alone in her cot & the maid is hiding in one corner sleeping when I am at home. See, how daring is she!! She have not even wake up for night feed & yet she is so tired. within 1 week, i caught her sleeping twice. She can eat many many meals a day. She had no manners at all, after dinner she can just leave her plate in the basin & watch tv. Amazing right?)
4th maid - this time she is from indonesia. ( She is a fast learner & Alexis likes her alot..) Finally I can rest well at night....
Changing Alexis
Alexis is changing day by day. She is so adorable!! Keep kissing her non stop everyday. haha...
Alexis first time taking MRT on 18 Jan 2010

Alexis: Boring...


Alexis: MAMA, Can we take TAXI next time?
Alexis's Fav channel - BABY TV CH 37 by Starhub Cable TV

Alexis watching BABY TV
Breast feeding
Minyi & I had set a target to breastfeed till 1 may 2010. Hopefully we can hit our target!! MOO.. MOO...

My Barang for expressing milk ( Medela Swing $336.20 - sponser by Charles Eng. Thank you Hubby!!)

Frozen milk... 1 box with 5 packs = Alexis's 1 day meal
From Charles to Lilian

Louis Vuitton - Neverful MM = 9 mths of suffering during pregnancy ( Thank you, hubby)

Ipod touch - Charles got it from an incentive ( top mio tv contents seller - Well done hubby)
I got to stop here... will update again soon!
Finally I found some time to update our blog, most of the time is updated by Charles. I have many things to update. Being a mother is really very very busy. Right Yi? This will be going to be a very long blog.
Maid Issue - Busy training maids again & again till I am so tired.
1st maid - 2 months (Good at housework but don't know how to take care of Baby. When I interview her, she mention that she knows how to take care of Baby but when Alexis is born, she panick when taking care of her)
2nd Maid - 3 weeks (keep asking me if she can call home, she called home almost twice a week. In the end she miss home & wanted to go back to philipines so i send her back to agent. After 2 weeks, her dad had no money to pay for her loan & she had to find another employer. She wanted to work for me again but I am not willing to take her anymore. Who knows later when I start work and she say she wanna go back to her country again. Then my head will be even bigger that time.
3rd maid - 1 week ( Worst!!! Alexis is playing alone in her cot & the maid is hiding in one corner sleeping when I am at home. See, how daring is she!! She have not even wake up for night feed & yet she is so tired. within 1 week, i caught her sleeping twice. She can eat many many meals a day. She had no manners at all, after dinner she can just leave her plate in the basin & watch tv. Amazing right?)
4th maid - this time she is from indonesia. ( She is a fast learner & Alexis likes her alot..) Finally I can rest well at night....
Changing Alexis
Alexis is changing day by day. She is so adorable!! Keep kissing her non stop everyday. haha...
Alexis first time taking MRT on 18 Jan 2010
Alexis: Boring...
Alexis: MAMA, Can we take TAXI next time?
Alexis's Fav channel - BABY TV CH 37 by Starhub Cable TV
Alexis watching BABY TV
Breast feeding
Minyi & I had set a target to breastfeed till 1 may 2010. Hopefully we can hit our target!! MOO.. MOO...
My Barang for expressing milk ( Medela Swing $336.20 - sponser by Charles Eng. Thank you Hubby!!)
Frozen milk... 1 box with 5 packs = Alexis's 1 day meal
From Charles to Lilian
Louis Vuitton - Neverful MM = 9 mths of suffering during pregnancy ( Thank you, hubby)
Ipod touch - Charles got it from an incentive ( top mio tv contents seller - Well done hubby)
I got to stop here... will update again soon!
Nail cutting experience for baby Alexis
How to cut screaming 2-7-month-old's nails?

Screaming? who's screaming?!
Alexis is enjoying her spa treatment from her very professional 'Never Had Any Baby Cutting Nails Training B4' Mummy

Below are a few 'CRAPPY' tips which i found on the net,these were shared by a group of ang mohs who formed a secret society called something something Parents Network.
I always cut her fingernails and toenails when she's asleep. :-) Holly
- Ass..learn from the PROs la, holly..Was my baby asleep when my wife was triming her nails for her? N O !!
- Holly, u can do many things with yr hubby or the postman or the pizza delivery boy when yr baby is asleep..
I bite my daughter's nails.
- I guess after bite-ting,u chew, add some salt or maybe sugar b4 u gulp the whole damn thing down? Yummy, rgt?
Gulp - To swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts

"isn't she cute..?"

Here is my tips for u.
Do what u feel is right for u & baby, do not trust too much on the info u find on the net, more then 50% of them are all CRAP.
ok..maybe not 50%..but they r still crap to me..
Friday, January 22, 2010
I love u too...Alexis..
Thursday, January 21, 2010

How not to fall in love over again in the morning with my precious Alexis looking so adorable?
Her sleeping pose like exactly like lilian..even the way Alexis stretches in the morning looks like her mum...
There was one time i actually saw the 2 of them sleeping with the same pose..cannot take pics la..or else my balls will be in my mouth..hehe..

My working shift totally cannot make it for the past few months, super tiring (oops..did i just complained abt my work?!), glad i bite the bullet & pass thru those cannot make it months in 1 piece.
The funny thing is i can auto wake up either 7am or 8am in the morning without any help from the irritating alarm..1st thing i do when i open my eyes? i turned to Alexis's mum & give her a kiss on her forehead (see..lian..u didn't know that rgt?)then i rush to Alexis room to kiss her too..
Did i hear u say something about 'Mari kita' (guys thing) in the morning? walau..dun think dirty can ?!
I enjoy spending time with Alexis in the morning b4 i head to work. Just the 2 of us..peaceful..quiet...in a room..
U should see how she smile & acknowledge me in the morning..
Making me feel all so good..prepared for the long day ahead...
We love u, Alexis..We really do..
Sunday, January 17, 2010
iPod Touch Baby..
Got lian an ipod touch player last friday (Many thanxs to Singtel). Been thinking about the iphone for the past 3 mths..should i or shouldn't i get 1? Nah...Not a fan of apple products..As per lian, she said the ipod touch is a super fan-test-tic device..got wi-fi..can download games blah blah blah (hopefully lian can find time to write something about the player in our blog soon)...
Lian downloaded some games for Alexis to play ( see &
Check out alexis eyes..totally glued to the screen...
Alexis eyes & face followed to whatever direction lian placed the player @..
Kids now-a-days..enjoying life..
"Will i be able to see edison chen photos from here?" asked alexis

Now, Charles..for Alexis's sake...would u get an iPhone..
Hmmm...But then again..for Alexis...
maybe...just maybe i will...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
One of the most important things in parenting is your own attitude to it. Do you like it, do you feel scared about it or are you thoroughly enjoying it?
Trust yourself
Everyone has their own ideas about parenting and sometimes it’s easy to become confused or to feel not good enough. Listen to other people’s ideas (this is how we all learn) but do what feels right for you and your children. Trust your own judgement.
Value yourself
You are doing an important job. Be proud of the effort you have put in through the day, no matter how small the tasks. When talking to friends about parenting, don’t moan and groan, because this won’t change things—try new approaches. Never forget how important parenting is.
Look after yourself
Remember you are a person as well as a parent. Be careful not to expect too much of yourself and of others. Enjoy your own special talents. Praise yourself for simple things. Don’t dwell on mistakes (mistakes are for learning from, not for making you feel bad). Try to find things to look forward to.
Parenting is forever, so make the foundation solid.
As a parent you are the most influential person in your child’s life.
Don’t waste time and energy feeling guilty—change what you are doing. (I love this !!)
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Yellow Dress....
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The "Once in a YEAR" meal prepared by Lilian
"Dear, today i prepare lunch for u,k..."said lian.
"Prepare lunch? u want me to drink Alexis milk? er..can don't want?!"thought Charles.
"Sure! It had been quite a while since u last cooked something for me..it would be GREAT!" shouted Charles
Today marks the day, me & lian got married. We held our 'Happening' wedding dinner on 06012008, today is 06012010 so its 2 years..we got ROM somewhere on some date. Till this day we have never regretted our decision to have and to hold (each other) from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part...Hello..u asleep already?
We planned to makan @ tong lok restaurant however both of us agreed,even if we went, our body would be @ the restaurant(with only our mouth & hands moving),our HEART would be @ home with Alexis. See,Alexis save the day again or should i say save my wallet from burning a hole (again).
Yes, the pics uploaded are the same prawn noodles prepared by lilian for me
How was the taste? er....it was..it was...FANTASTIC 4 times the word of SUPER !!
Thank you,lian for this wonderful meal..hopefully, u can do it for me again,again & again..
Monday, January 4, 2010
04/01/2010 (Alexis 2nd jab)
Alexis got her 2nd jab @ lao Ong clinic @ around 11.10am today. Duno what "Roti + Cock-girl something" injection that COST us $300++.."FAINT"..i rather eat roti prata instead..

Thank god,we made a appointment or else we would have to Q with the rest of the birds who are sick (walk in patients). Btw, staffs @ lao Ong clinic are very friendly,Really. Ya..with medical bills costing more then $180 per visit,they better be friendly..hehe
Alexis was kinda moody upon entering the "Chop head" clinic, how not to be with all the crying & kao pei kao bu from all the other kids,Big + Small + Old = Adults making alot of noise with the shocking bill they have to pay


What was the 1st thing that come to your mind while viewing these pic?

Alexis on the butcher table
Sorry, i did not take any photos while Alexis kana poked. Yes, lilian (as usual) hiding 1 side. Yes,Charles choked (again) while alexis screamed. Grandmum was the only one standing strong beside alexis (Charles got help oso hor !)

Alexis blood on the cheapo paster. Why did she bled in the 1st place?
Doctor not PRO enough?!
Anyway,all went well..expect for that bloody hole in my wallet..think i have to find another high paid job...hehe..

"Pa,is it my turn yet? Lao Ong so bz meh?!" yawned Alexis

-Thank you,Nicole + Chole jie jie for this beautiful jacket
Alexis was kinda moody upon entering the "Chop head" clinic, how not to be with all the crying & kao pei kao bu from all the other kids,Big + Small + Old = Adults making alot of noise with the shocking bill they have to pay


Fell asleep while waiting for her turn. She is so "A-doll-le-ber"(my english power!). Her jacket or is it sweater look super cool rgt? (Thank u,nicole + chole)

What was the 1st thing that come to your mind while viewing these pic?

Alexis on the butcher table
Sorry, i did not take any photos while Alexis kana poked. Yes, lilian (as usual) hiding 1 side. Yes,Charles choked (again) while alexis screamed. Grandmum was the only one standing strong beside alexis (Charles got help oso hor !)

Alexis blood on the cheapo paster. Why did she bled in the 1st place?
Doctor not PRO enough?!
Anyway,all went well..expect for that bloody hole in my wallet..think i have to find another high paid job...hehe..
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Alexis 2nd swim @ u know where...
We dumped alexis once again into the washing machine tub on 231209. All went well, She finally learned to relax herself in the tub by letting go both of her hand & kick freely in the water. Some many hardcore fans of Alexis gathered around her watching her performed or maybe they are just KPO who got nothing better to do? hmm..u decide..

"It's getting kinda of boring,u know,papa?"
Some of Alexis hardcore fans (or KPOs) gathering outside the spa. Some Q up as early as 6am,just to see her. Some say she cuter then hello kitty..
"Heng ah,Alexis no need to shave her hair.." smiled Lian Mama. Warm up drill. Wonder if Lian know what she is doing...
"I wana hold your hand.."
"Walau,Super boring loh,Pa..can we go play golf instead?" asked Alexis
Grandmum looking on...falling asleep? hehe...
"Ok..help me with my gear pls.."
"Grandmum,i wana go home.."
Can u see them?
"The infamous KPOs !"
I am gona pee !!
"Alright..am not gona pee..come closer,pa.."
More of the "U-KNOW-WHO" !!
Repeat after me..More of the "U-KNOW-WHO"!!
Ps: Hope this blog made your day a happier one..
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