We dumped alexis once again into the washing machine tub on 231209. All went well, She finally learned to relax herself in the tub by letting go both of her hand & kick freely in the water. Some many hardcore fans of Alexis gathered around her watching her performed or maybe they are just KPO who got nothing better to do? hmm..u decide..

"It's getting kinda of boring,u know,papa?"
Some of Alexis hardcore fans (or KPOs) gathering outside the spa. Some Q up as early as 6am,just to see her. Some say she cuter then hello kitty..
"Heng ah,Alexis no need to shave her hair.." smiled Lian Mama. Warm up drill. Wonder if Lian know what she is doing...
"I wana hold your hand.."
"Walau,Super boring loh,Pa..can we go play golf instead?" asked Alexis
Grandmum looking on...falling asleep? hehe...
"Ok..help me with my gear pls.."
"Grandmum,i wana go home.."
Can u see them?
"The infamous KPOs !"
I am gona pee !!
"Alright..am not gona pee..come closer,pa.."
More of the "U-KNOW-WHO" !!
Repeat after me..More of the "U-KNOW-WHO"!!
Ps: Hope this blog made your day a happier one..
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